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Saturday, October 29, 2005

How To Harvest Testimonials That Work

The Power Of Social Proof, getting testimonials - Conversion Chronicles: "HOW TO HARVEST TESTIMONIALS THAT WORK "

In my voyage across the Internet copywriting sea I come across some little concise gems of marketing wisdom.

Social proof is currently being talked about. Robert Cialdini who I've mentioned in a previous post speaks about it.

Basically it comes down to; "if some people are doing it it must be right to do it."

This is exactly where good testimonials can come into play.

They are social proof to say things like, "... yes I've used your product/service and it has helped me to generate 20% more sales this year". People think it worked for them so there's a good chance it will work for me too.

There is a test you can conduct for yourself on social proof right now.

Listen let me tell you a quick story.

There are a number of people that read this blog now. I'm also getting regular readers. In fact some come back to read even when I've not posted (usually on a Sunday). Some people actually spend more than 30 minutes reading the postings. Which by the way I hope doesn't mean my musings are too confusing!

Anyway you dear reader can come from almost anywhere in the World. I've readers from Australia, Barbados, China, Norway, New Zealand, the USA and the UK.

And those are just the countries I can remember without referring back through my logs.

I know the Internet is worldwide but you don't expect to be read by such a diverse body of people. It certainly makes you realise the Internet's power.

The point of the story is this though -- does that information make you feel that this blog is worth reading, or not?

Think about. If not what have I missed out?

What if I gave you a graphic from my last 100 visitors web stats?

Well here you go then (this shows the most recent 100 visitors to my blog) ...

Does that give you a warm comfortable feeling?

Interesting, and something you should consider including in your own marketing.

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