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Friday, October 28, 2005

LANDLORDS.... Are you Frustrated with your property?

I love the headline for this site.

It really follows the "rules" for headlines:

1) Address your audience specifically if you can. In this case it's landlords.
2) Highlight a problem that your audience has. And here of course it's frustration with their property.
3) Don't go over 17 words. This headline comes in at a respectable 7.
4) Get your audience to qualify themselves, whether they need you or not. Having a question in the title does exactly that.

Finally, if you can get in a great sub-head that really compounds the pulling power of the piece. In this case it says

"Want to get out of the Landlord Rat Race?"

Well which frustrated Landlord wants to do that. Probably all of them!

But actually I like the way the business owner of this site has constructed his brochure too.

It leads with a fabulous headline:

"How To Stop Landlord Money Worries in 90 Days or Less ... Guaranteed"

It meets the headline rules we discussed previously.

Then he really hits home with the following great sub-head:

"Learn what 99% of ALL landlords don't know about how to build a Thriving Top Producing Rental Property"

Now if that sub-head can't draw landlords in further nothing will.

I know someone who's just started to concentrate on being a landlord, he used to use an agent. I'm sure he would be very interested in this site. Even though the site is based in the USA I suspect a lot of content can be adapted to the UK market. Or in fact any market that has landlords with a western lifestyle.

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