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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Latest Business Thinking - Not Star Trek


The latest business thinking is a phrase that marketers like to use when they're offering something that they want to appeal to people who must have the latest.

You probably know someone like that...

They must have the latest gizmo, drive the latest car, seen the latest film or used the most recent business school buzz phrase.

And of course the latest business thinking is a phrase that springs readily to an Internet Marketer's pen.

Particularly when talking about search engine optimization (SEO). Because SEO is a subject that gets talked about whenever a small band of people with web sites gets together.

And yet they all agree content is king!

SEO Self-Help

So how can they agree on that I wonder? "Content is King" and yet we still need Search Engine Optimization, surely that's not necessary?

Well of course SEO is necessary but it needs to be integrated with the content. So trying to "do" SEO on a web site or blog without paying attention to how you write copy is a complete waste of time.

There is so much that you can do to help yourself with SEO:

  • Write a title with the keywords in
  • Keep one page pretty much dedicated to one concept or product or service
  • Research and use the appropriate keywords as you write the content
  • make sure you do off-site SEO
  • Encourage appropriate inward bound links

Above all, write great content, publicize your site and the hits will come.

Then Bob's your uncle and I'm the coolest guy on the planet still!







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