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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Do You Know How Often You Should Blog?

Blogging is fun.

And blogging about business is quite fun too.

But one of the things I've noticed as I've been on the Internet is that blogs get started and then get left completely alone without any comment as to why things have stopped.

It even happens with experienced bloggers.

I've fallen into the trap myself with other blogs.

You set-up and run a blog, get another and another until you're running several blogs. One or two get all your focus and the content postings for the remainder gently tail off. Until suddenly you've not posted for months.

Do people still visit?

Well unlike web sites they don't have to because RSS tells you when the next post is made, provided you signed up for it!

Interestingly people still visited this blog every day over my 2 week extended Christmas holiday even though I practically stopped blogging for that time.

There were a lot of unique hits which shows that once you've been indexed it can take some time before you fall off the bottom of the index or blog directory.

Does that mean a regular blogger can just stop and expect people to still come?

Yes and No.

Yes, you'll still get people who've searched for your keywords. And No because they're unlikely to return without fresh content.

That means if you're using Ads on your blog you want returning traffic if you want them to click through to the advertising site. It follows then that to maximize your Ad revenue you need to be a regular poster.

I post almost every working day. Is that too often?

I just don't know. Because I get repeat visitors every day. Some have been visiting almost since the blog began. But would they still come if I blogged twice a week? Even once a week?

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