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Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm Looking for Fitness Affiliate Programs

Weight Machine with no springsI'm starting another blog about health and fitness and so I've been scouring the Internet so I can review useful programs.

Don't worry the Power Packed Business Growth Blog is still in the process of being upgraded, or should I say converted to Wordpress. And I may well not use my current web domain, for a number of Search Engine Optimisation reasons.

Anyway, I just had to share this with you:

In the constant fight for fitness a lot of people in the western world need to lose weight. Only problem with that of course is that you can easily get into the yo-yo diet vicious cycle.

Now, I don't normally do this...

I'm going to recommend you pay a visit to this site where they tell you how to melt the fat without losing the muscle.

Sign up for their ‘Big Fat Lies’ mini course. This course gives you the 12 most blatant, self-serving lies about weight loss.  The sign-up form is about half-way down the page. I've signed up as an affiliate but I just think the email course is worth getting itself.

Let me know what you think.

Ok...normal marketing and business growth continues as I wrestle with Wordpress and new domains for this blog.

LiveJournal tags: , ,

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Travel Counsellor

I've just had an illuminating interview with David Speakman of Travel Counsellors.  David originally set-up Travel Counsellors to do the administration for agents and allow the agents to do what they do best: organise holidays.

The company is now a multi-million pound one that's based in Bolton in the Northwest. David has handed over the UK operation to a management team and runs the Spanish operation in Spain.

I'm putting the full interview into the launch issue of Good Company but one nugget that really hit me and which I'd like to share with you is this:One of the doormen at David restaurants remarked,

"If You Don’t Let Them In You Don’t Have To Throw Them Out"

Obviously referring to the incoming customers. David took this comment to heart and realised that the same was true of taking on staff members. Why take on staff just because you have a vacancy?  Instead it's better to have the management problem of too few staff compared to the management problem of how to get rid of a member of staff.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tycoon: No Shock Winner

Tycoon's Eaten By A Dragon!

You may remember from last time that Peter Jones had selected all 4 of the remaining businesses to go forward to the grand finale.

The grand finale looked extremely impressive and again the introductory credits were very like "The Apprentice" in appearance.

And yet...

Tycoon completely failed to impress. Kate Thornton was the compere for the night and did a reasonable job.  Almost all the finalists were dressed in their finery.

The finale set looked nice and big and glittery. Up for the prize was the over £200,000 of profits made by all the companies since Tycoon started.

Then we were treated to half an hour of clips we'd already seen and mini interviews with the people involved, including Peter Jones with amazing stripped socks.

I'd advised closing Justin and Lauren down last week and I had a question over whether Iain's Helicopter business was sustainable.

The Tycoon Winner

In the end Iain won. Which seemed only fair as he'd made over half of the £200,000 profits available as the prize.

Was The Finale Worth Watching?

I can now give a big unequivocal no!

It was like watching paint dry. Who wanted to hear more of what we'd already heard?

There was no drama. There was no reason that the watching public (if any watched) should change their minds about one person or another.

I've never sat through such an insipid production before.

Peter Jones needs to get his production company to come up with a much better format than this.

It was almost as if a group of mates had gone out to the pub after watching The Apprentice and said how great Dragon's Den was too. Then said, "wait a minute, think how amazing it would be if we combined the two!"

As you know I love business programmes. And my reasons for watching, which may be different to others are as follows:

  • To learn about someone else's business
  • To learn how other people approach business problems
  • To learn what not to do
  • To see how other people think in business
  • Combined with a narrative thread that links the programme and the people together

So for me Tycoon failed to deliver any of my reasons for watching

As I've said before if Tycoon ever comes back I need to be convinced it's much, much better than this before I watch another second.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Move From Blogger To Wordpress

Jim Symcox, relaxed and ready to work!I've really enjoyed blogging with Blogger. But now I've hit a number of its limitations. One major one is a lack of good plugins to enhance the user experience.

Similarly I've decided not to transfer all my posts to my blog because of the limitations there.

So I've decided to enhance the blog for us both and the blog is moving to my own domain: where my current web site is and will be powered by Wordpress blog software.

If you've any Wordpress templates you think that would particularly suit my blog style let me know. At the moment I'm thinking of going with the rather nice theme we're using for The Manchester Blog.

Anyway, I've been promising myself that I'll freshen my web site so I will see whether it's feasible to roll the blog transfer and freshen up into one project.

My only concern is that I don't lose YOU my dedicated reader in all this as the URL will be different and as I'm unlikely to post much for the next few days.

So to make sure you can still read these posts please subscribe by email at the top of this blog and you'll get the posts by email until you unsubscribe.

Or if you simply want me to let you know when the blog has been transferred send an email to me at transfer(AT) acornservice.(X) and replace (AT) with @ and (X) with com.

Then I'll email you twice (on 2 different days) to let you know the blog has been recreated. Then I'll delete your email from my system.

Either way spammers are unwelcome and your email addresses remain safe with me!

So sign up or send me an email and I'll see you on the other side on a refreshed Power Packed Business Growth Blog.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tycoon: Were You On The Edge Of Your Seat?

Tycoon's Eaten By A Dragon!

You may remember in the first episode of Tycoon I suggested Tom and Elizabeth should both go.

...and they have.

I have very mixed feelings about this Tycoon series.

On the one hand it should be interesting to see apprentice entrepreneurs (appreneurs) work in their new businesses and start to make money on the other hand at times you're not sure what on earth they're competing for.

Take yesterday night's episode where Peter was going to decide who should go into the final.

Which out of the 4 remaining businesses would get canned?

If you haven't seen the episode yet, I'll reveal the answer at the end with the title "So Who Went Through To The Tycoon Finale?" 

Suffice to say I was baffled by the criteria that Peter was using to establish exactly which business should go through into the finale.

Can Justin Chieffo Win With A Bag For Life?

Justin almost got an order from Sainsbury's for 60,00 bags for life and he also managed to find a much cheaper supplier of the bags.

I'm sorry almost an order is no order.

And 60,000 compared to Tesco's 250,000? Didn't Justin point out the size of Tesco's order?

And are Sainsbury's really the only other supermarket to express an interest in bags for life.

The most strategic and vitally important supermarket of them all was completely ignored - ASDA. After all they're owned by WALMART - the biggest supermarket in the USA and chain you'd want to get into to sell such a bag!

Justin seemed to be sitting back on his laurels. As an entrepreneur he needs to continually thinking of new ways to get his bags into shops. Plus what about putting ads on the bags?

My Advice: Close Justin down.

Can Iain Morgan Rise Above With His Helicopters?

Iain Morgan became a selling whirlwind and sold an incredible amount of helicopters.

Unfortunately, a good salesman does not mean he's a good businessman.

That said he had made the most money this week and it was around half the total that everyone else combined made.

My Advice: I'm undecided on Iain because you can see his business will saturate the UK market for toy executive helicopters. What does he do then?

Will Lauren Pope's Hair Extensions Win The Day?

Lauren continued to sell her hair extensions, despite her extension suppliers labeling the extensions Goosip instead of Gossip!

My Advice: Close Lauren down. I know extensions are currently fashionable my only concern is that a number of celebs appear to have stopped wearing them now. So it may be a declining market.

Helen James and Cathy Caudwell-Todd

Helen and Cathy only made a small amount of money compared to everyone else but have won deals to get into large garden centres with their clothes ranges.

I think the connection with Dragon's Den will help them too.

My Advice: These two are the ones I would vote for to win. I think that once their excessive prices had been pared down a bit for garden centres they've every chance of selling lots of gardening clothes.

Is The Finale Worth Watching?

I really don't know.

If Helen and Cathy can show large orders, or even sales from the garden centres I think they've got it sewn up for the few viewers who've stuck with Tycoon.

The criteria Peter appears to be choosing the finalists are unclear. And I suspect the same will be true in the final.

My previous Tycoon posting reveals my thoughts on whether I'd watch another series of Tycoon. Suffice to say that at the moment I'm terribly underwhelmed.

"So Who Went Through To The Tycoon Finale?" 

After watching Peter invite Justin and Iain through because of their high sales figures and Lauren for her reasonable one it all looked curtains for Helen and Cathy.

Then Peter decided to let them all through.

So much for being on the edge of my seat with high drama!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Do You Stay In Business By The "Skin Of Your Teeth?"

A "Smile!" from Gordon RamseyI watched a Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmare I hadn't seen last night.

On first walking in the restaurant (Morgan's in Liverpool) looked very well presented and had an unhurried air.

It soon became clear that all was far from well. Obviously!

It was being run by 3 people. A form of company abuse I've across several times before and often (but strangely not always) with the same effects.

Those effects are usually that because decisions are shared they don't get made properly. And in this case the mother and two sisters involved seemed to be forever treading on each other toes. None of them seemed to have any real idea what they ought to be doing at any one time.

Equally the chef they'd chosen was not a stickler for good food and would let completely incinerated sausages out to the paying punter!

And yet they had a second chef who produced an excellent sticky pudding and wound up, of course, becoming the head chef for the restaurant.

Now the thing that really interested me about this programme was that everything was being done as though the business was about to fail:

  •  The owner was buying food for the chef to make on the day he was set to make it from a supermarket!
  • The owner would "help" everyone do stuff. Such as drying the dishes, waiting on, doing the accounts and goodness know's what else. You go the feeling she felt as though if she didn't get involved everything would collapse.
  • The owner wouldn't pay for food prep time

And of course Gordon Ramsey sorted it all out - got the head chef to cook with more focus and to put out good food, allocated the right jobs to the right people and scrapped the (as usual) pretentious menus - I mean mashed potato and apricot? YUK!

And on Ramsey's return a month later the restaurant was continuing to make a profit.

The moral behind this story is for a business to work it needs a unified strategy that all agree to and can contribute to. Anyone who can't needs to go.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Tycoon: Tom Gone, Elizabeth Next!

Tycoon's Eaten By A Dragon!

After the first episode of Tycoon I pointed out that Tom should be sacked and Elizabeth given enough rope to hang herself.

Although I started watching the second episode I lost the will to live part way through and didn't watch the rest where Tom got his just desserts.

ITV management pulled the show from its prime time slot and shoehorned a shorter version into a later slot.

Thank goodness. 

The editing has got much tighter and it looks as though they've inserted a few new clips of Peter's assessment of what's happening.

In this episode Justin Chieffo  is appointed by Peter to look after his fellow entrepreneurs as Peter has to go away for a few days.

Elizabeth Gets Hacked

I think it's important that anyone on these reality shows needs to remember is that "they return to the real world after the show is finished." Elizabeth wearing a sticky label on her forehead with the word 'FRAGILE' on is not going to endear her to future customers or employers.

So what happened to Elizabeth Hackford?

  • 4,000 bottle wrappers were the wrong colour
  • She was advised by the Portland Group not to use the name Vtox because it was too much like Detox  
  • She didn't appear to like Justin "managing" her

Peter finally gave her the elbow.

And can someone please tell me why on earth they're talking to the doomed candidate on the end of the pier? What is the point?

OK, they're trying to get away from the boardroom firing scene as shown on The Apprentice. But a pier? Why couldn't they fire someone from Peter's Bentley? Or maybe in Peter's office?

And guess what? Lauren said that it was expected by the others.

 Yes she should never have been in the contest!

Has Justin Chieffo Got Management Ability?

Like I said before my wife still believes his carrier bag dispenser is a good idea. So when Tesco ordered 250,000 she looked at me in triumph!

I'm still not persuaded. As I said last time you can use a carrier bag to carry spare carrier bags around in.

Anyway, you can't argue with an order. It could be Tesco wants to test it out.

Anyway, back to Justin's management ability...

It was tested to the limit in his dealings with Elizabeth Hackford.

He didn't help his case by telling her he had to have a meeting with her while she was already having a meeting with Grace, the ex-Big Brother contestant she wanted to use to endorse the drink.

Then he used the weak threat that he would tell Peter about her...

We also saw Justin with his feet up.

When Elizabeth told him he'd embarrassed her and flounced off Justin mimicked her holding a handbag and even said the word "handbags" - not very good for team building with the rest of the troops.

What impressed me most about Justin was that he still had £8,000 of the original £10,000 provided by Peter. Well done!

My Advice: You need people who can run a business. Someone who doesn't understand when to make a stand or not with an employee just can't at the moment.

If Justin doesn't get any further sales close him down next. 

Iain Morgan

Iain Morgan is now demonstrating and selling his executive helicopter. It looks like fun but I wonder exactly how many he can sell.

Apparently he's going to try and get a large order from Argos next time.

My Advice: Iain still seems to know what he's doing from the ordering point of view. My only thought is the quality of the helicopter.

He does need to start selling volumes of the helicopters. A 20 helicopter order requires the same selling time as 2,000. So he would be better off with Argos or an upmarket executive gifts catalogue. 

Lauren Pope

Lauren Pope met up with Philip Green at Top Shop. Of course Philip was involved in a meeting that would normally be beneath his notice.

Philip wanted Lauren to sell from his shop without him investing in anything. That would have meant a lot of work for Lauren and she was right to turn it down.

She did well to get an order for £47,000 from an online company in Leicestershire.

My Advice: Keep up the good work! And also do some promotions too.

Helen James and Cathy Caudwell-Todd

Helen and Cathy met up with Harrods Owner Al-Fayed and pitched to have their range sold in Harrods and to have their launch there too.

They successfully persuaded him and Peter Jones was ecstatic when they told him.

My Advice:  I think these two could do well still getting their product into Harrods needs to be done as soon as possible to get the maximum exposure whilst Tycoon is still running. 

Is It Worth Watching Now?

I am watching again but...

  • there needs to be more footage of the appreneurs (apprentice entrepreneurs) working with their suppliers and customers and not simply sitting down at their PCs - it's just boring otherwise
  • The Dragon's Den type investment decision meeting needs to be scrapped completely and the figures assigned for further investment provided to each person
  • Peter is (presumably) trying to pass on the skills he learnt as he rose to the top. So we need to see more coaching rather than focusing on his investment
  • They need to fire early when it's obvious one of the candidates isn't going to make it
  • Hire a voice-over who sounds interesting and interested in what's happening

 As there's not much longer to go with this series I will continue to watch but I'd be wary about watching a second series, unless the suggestions I've made were implemented.

Otherwise I'd rather watch paint dry. Oh no, Big Brother's already done that one!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

How To Make Money With Blogging

Manchester Town HallI've been impressed by the way Rob Benwell's Blogging To The Bank 2.0 takes a step by step approach to showing how to make blogging pay.

So much so that I'm going to pay for 27 minutes of my Advanced Blog Coaching for anyone who orders the book through my affiliate link: Blogging To The Bank 2.0

With the coaching you can get help on any of these topics:

  • Choosing your blog topic
  • Using the free hosts (Blogger or Wordpress
  • Choosing a host for your own blog
  • Setting up Blogger
  • Setting up Wordpress
  • Choosing and editing templates
  • Using blog widgets
  • Choosing and using Wordpress plugins
  • Collecting email subscribers through Feedblitz
  • Collecting RSS subscribers through Feedburner
  • Creating good content
  • Blog SEO
  • How to attract more readers
  • Using Google Adsense
  • Setting up and Using Web 2.0 features
  • Squidoo
  • What to put in the sidebar
  • Making money with your blog

Whether you buy through me or someone else I'm sure Rob's no nonsense guide will help you improve your blog.

One caveat.

As I said in my previous post...

If you've written more than 200 posts in a year and you're currently making more than $100 per month from your blog you'll know almost everything Rob explains.

That said, I still managed to get some nuggets I'm using right now!

Manchester Blog Taking Lots Of Time

Metrolink Ticket MachinesI thought I'd better let you know what's happening because I've not posted for a couple of days.

I've been working on setting up and making prettier the new Manchester Bloggers blog in Wordpress.

There's a lot you can do with it and Wordpress has so many plugins that really help you improve the reader's experience.

So the Manchester Bloggers blog has been sucking up quite a quantity of my time.

Rob Baker (from ArtisanMC) is also posting to the site but had to deal with a heavy cold, followed by not being able to get in to post because I'd used a capital letter in his username.

Go post something now Rob!

What's Coming Up?

Well, I'm glad you asked me. I've got a few book reviews that are bubbling under:

  • Six Disciplines For Excellence (Gary Harpst)
  • The Obvious (James Dale)
  • Bright Marketing (Robert Craven)
  • How To Get To The Top (Jeffrey Fox)

I'm also writing a review of Monday's episode of Tycoon.

So sign-up for the email feed and you'll be getting those, and more, over the next week or so.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Blogging To The Bank 2.0

Union Jack piggy bank waiting for your blog profits!Rob Benwell has provided an e-book that reads well and will certainly benefit most bloggers.

Rob sets out 5 blogging commandments that are key to making money with blogging.

During his explanation on how to set-up and make money from your blog Rob notes that Adsense plastered sites wont make money. They just turn people off.

He also points out that whilst "cheating" the search engines can make your blog visible it's also not a practice he encourages for a longer-term blog.

As you'd expect Rob first emphasizes the importance of market and keyword research and then explains how to pick the best affiliate programs for your chosen market.

He underlines the importance of owning your own domain, although you can of course use two blogging platforms free of charge: Blogger and Wordpress.

Rob walks you step by step through the process of setting up a blog that is better than your average templated blog.

Rob notes his secret weapon to keep the new blog filled with useful content. Because after all content is what attracts traffic, the life blood to monetize your blog.

Monetizing Your Blog

Rob recommends two methods of monetizing your blog.

Tools Links

Of course someone who's been running blogs for a while had access to a number of tools. You get links to the tools. In fact while I was reading this book Rob emailed to say that he was putting more tools on the site as a bonus. One of which allows you to find dead blogs.

What do you do with dead blogs? Rob explains in detail in Blogging To The Bank and is worth the price alone for me.

Blogging Commandments

He also gives 5 blogging commandments that you must follow to give your blogs the best chance of being seen and read.

Other Reviews of Blogging To The Bank

Rob Benwell has cleverly provided 2 pre-written reviews to help affiliates say something about Blogging To The Bank.

I noticed a spelling mistake (yes I can be that sad sometimes) in one review and Googled it and found 7 lazy bloggers hadn't bothered to change it in reviews they posted.

That said the pre-written reviews don't say much. Which is a shame as I'm sure there's more that Rob could have put into the reviews without giving out his secrets.


In summary this book is aimed firmly at the beginner and advanced blogger alike.

If you've been blogging for more than 2 years you'll be aware of a number of the techniques that Rob describes. But you'll almost definitely find, as I did, that there are several things you kind of knew about and hadn't realised how much it could help pour in the cash into your blog.

My recommendation? Get Blogging To The Bank 2.0 and implement Rob's methods because I know they work as I've used some myself.

The bonuses Rob gives are all very worthwhile themselves. The dead blog finder software is the one I'm going to look at in detail next. So I'll see you then!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Did You See The Manchester Blogger?

midland hotelThat's right I've been a busy bee (bee, get it? One of the symbols of Manchester).

I've created a blog called Manchester Bloggers to give Manchester a chance to express itself, rather than through those doughty organs of state and newsprint.

Anyway, it's a chance for us to show Manchester in a variety of different guises, one's we'll find out as we go along.

It's only got one post on it at the moment. But comments are welcome (hint, hint).

And I'm also looking for contributors to the blog to really help make it interesting.

So check out Manchester Bloggers.

LiveJournal tags:

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I'm So Annoyed I could Spit!

I am so annoyed!

And for 2 reasons...

Feedblitz Form Failure

Now this first reason probably isn't Feedblitz's fault.

I was giving you the opportunity to sign up for fresh updates as my reviews for Blogging to the Bank and its bonuses are posted when I discovered that the form to sign up wasn't working.


How long had it been stopped?

Oh the agony. Readers, maybe even you, turned away at the subscriber door. And for who knows how long?

I suspect it all went belly up when I converted the blog to the new Blogger blog.

In the end I logged back into Feedblitz and discovered they now had an email sign-up widget that integrated directly with Blogger!

So yet another widget got loaded into the bloated form of my blog.

Ah well, it's sorted now so you can sign up for updates over on the top right column. Try subscribing, it's fun to get post details by email rather than having to visit the site.

Heck I even signed up myself so I can attest to its reliability and it's a spam-free service too thank goodness!

"Blogging To The
Bank Review

The second reason was I had several unplanned events that prevented me from sucking the content out of Blogging to the Bank this morning as I'd planned to do the review.

A second Arghh!

So now it's radio silence while I continue reading "Blogging to the Bank" and trying out what Rob Benwell suggests.

Review coming soon....

Technorati tags:

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Are You Curious About This New Launch Too?

"Blogging To The Bank 2.0" is a fine example of a human trait that bloggers and a lot of folk on line demonstrate.

Human curiosity!

And guess what? I'm a fine example of that trait in action.

I managed to resist the temptation to buy the first edition of Blogging to the Bank. Because of course I thought I knew it all.

I Know All About Blogging!

Or do I?

After all Blogging to the Bank is meant to show you how to create a blog, write posts for a blog, get outsourced posts, articles, links and then in due course m0netize it. So I thought I knew it all.

In the end though I had to buy "Blogging To The Bank 2.0" just to see whether there's anything I'm missing.

So I'm going to write a review of it.  In fact as it it comes with some interesting bonuses I'll review those too in another post.

And if the report and bonuses contain lots of stuff that I or your average Joe Blogger would know the review will be more warts than your average review because I'll be annoyed at forking out for things I know.

By the way, the bonuses include:

  • Ready Made Blogs
  • Powerpoint slides
  • Article Assistance
  • Blog Announcer Pro

If you want to get the reviews for "Blogging to the Bank " and the bonuses type in your email address and click the "Get email updates" button, here

Your email address:

Powered by FeedBlitz

Monday, July 02, 2007

Have You Become A Busy Fool?

Are You A Busy Fool?I received an email from someone today and I thought it was so extremely interesting that I would share it with you.

This person is very successful and works hard to make a good living for himself and his family.

I knew him before I went into my own business and I've done operational reviews for him and he's also given me occasional pieces of invaluable advice.

He Wants To Franchise His Business 

He really wants to franchise his business and has talked about it several times over the years.

What it said was as follows(I've changed a few words to protect the innocent - they're in italic/bold font ):  

"Jim ...

I have felt for some time now that I have become a busy fool! Keeping busy for no other reason than to operate a business and keep everybody else happy except ourselves.

The New guys sales should generate enough revenue to cover his cost. But that isn't really the purpose! is totally absorbing both physically and mentally and currently does not generate enough profit to grow the business through franchising. With the previous salesman, the extra business he produced just put me under more pressure to do his projects, some of which were not even feasible and had to be re-checked.

This new guy is not just a salesman, he is an all rounder, like me, able to sell, deliver and handle difficult clients.

This will release about 50% of my time to focus on developing other more profitable avenues.

In theory this business should be perfectly franchiseable, because I am training new people to do exactly what I do; the hard part is training up and keeping your workers. They are the real challenge to this business, and want a lot of money, which is probably why most of the franchises involve the worker becoming the franchisee to keep him on stream.

The problem then becomes how do you find a good worker, who can sell (most good ones can't) and run a business as well..." 

What Does All This Hard Work Mean?

Firstly this gentleman is a star salesman so he's able to make an astonishing number of sales, despite also having to help his workers deliver. That means he's extremely busy.  And whilst the business makes him a reasonable income it's not enough to allow him to step back and think about what he can do next.

Normally the workers he uses are trades people who would have to sell themselves to get work. As it is he gets them a lot of work. That means the amount of selling they need to do themselves is much reduced. Therefore, if they're working more they're earning more and they have much less "dead" selling time.

As they are not part of his company he is acting as their agent and the profit he makes through their work is effectively a sales commission.

And I think he feels a pressure to continue to get sales so that they can all earn money.

Therefore, at the moment the business relies heavily on a star salesman. OK he's taken on another salesman and hopefully that means he can step back and think through the strategic steps needed to be able to franchise the business.

Is Franchising This Possible?

It's not impossible...

However, he has identified the major issue with the franchise route: good workers don't seem to be able to sell and run a business too.

The steps he needs to take are strategic. He needs to be the company people go to for the service he offers.

Once people come to him he has a franchisable idea.  

How Do You Get People To Come To You?

There needs to be ways of getting repeat business and referrals from previous customers. 

Repeat business means having a backend for selling other items or services to your customers.  To reduce the risk of lost backend sales the backend should require little or no effort from the franchisee. And once set-up a backend should need little or no help from the franchisor.

The franchisee and the franchisor should each get a share of the backend generated by the franchisee's customers.

Once the backend is proved think what a massive benefit that would be to a new franchisee. And each franchise would generate a percentage of backend income to the franchisor.

Then of course he needs a referral system.  He does get some recommendations from satisfied customers but getting referrals is simply not systematised. That means it's likely that he could get extra sales with less price resistance and less work.

The reason he doesn't think strategically is because he as he says he had, "become a busy fool! 

7 Questions To Ask Before You Use Coaching

Koze SportscoachYou may not have heard of Dan Lok, although he's the self-proclaimed number 1 website conversion expert and has a lot of people who back up what he says.

I've been a subscriber to his email newsletter for a number of years because I like what he writes and of course I also like to keep tabs on what others in the copywriting, marketing and coaching areas are doing.

Dan offers 1 on 1 mentoring and claims that many gurus offer it and then palm it off onto a fulfillment house where the chances of talking to anyone with any knowledge of Internet business is slim.

So to help decide whether a mentor is the right one Dan suggests you ask yourself 7 questions before handing over great wedges of cash.

The 7 Questions

  1. Is it you who teaches me or somebody else?
  2. What is your response speed to emails and phone calls?
  3. What are the results you've achieved with other people?
  4. Do you currently DO marketing?
  5. Can my business partner or wife listen in with me for free?
  6. Do you work one on one?
  7. Is this the whole program or do you upsell to something else?

I'd also add 4 points to ponder before taking coaching:

The 4 Points To Ponder

  1. Why do you want coaching? Because without that understanding you wont know whether it helps you or not
  2. Are you willing to implement? Because without implementation you're throwing your money away
  3. Can you make fast decisions? Because a plan without a start date remains a pipe dream
  4. Can you afford it?  Paying money out that should be paying your mortgage does not lead to successful outcomes because of the added pressure you'll feel. So if you've no money forget it.

What About My Coaching?

Having given you those points I just know some wag will ask whether my money is where my mouth is!

So here are my answers to the 7 questions...

  1. Only I teach/mentor/coach the people I work with - this may change but only once I've trained people up to the point where they could answer the 7 questions the way I'm doing.
  2. I'm usually available for phone calls during the UK working day and I usually respond to voice mail messages the same day and the same for emails.
  3. Would a 50% profit growth or a  20% profit growth be useful? I have mentored companies that have done that.
  4. I currently DO marketing, I run a blog and attract coaching clients through a number of different routes
  5. Anyone in your business can take part in the coaching with you
  6. I do work one on one
  7. My mentoring is purely about delivering value through my personal coaching

If you can answer the 4 points to ponder then ring me on 0161 278 1919 to get started with your mentoring.

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