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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Marketing Profitably - Using Blog Branding

Publicity tips blog from the Publicity Hound, Joan Stewart, is following a suggestion from Marketing Sherpa.

The suggestion is that everyone should brand their blog. So She’s branding her blog with a consistent item: Publicity tips .

As an aside, if you use marketing in your company it pays to, at the very least, to subscribe to Marketing Sherpa.


Because Marketing Sherpa publisher, Anne Holland, provides great research and case studies on the ins and outs of marketing on the Internet.

If you’ve the time to study the information on the site and in the newsletter you will without doubt improve the response rate of your email campaigns or increase the interest in your web site.

Anyway to return to the point...

As you know my thoughts on branding are that it’s vital for big companies not quite so vital for the smaller ones. Except on the web.

The reason?

It’s because the web lasts a long time. So what you do now could be around to haunt you in ten years time. Alternatively your prospects may want to look at what you’ve done.

Branding gives you a consistent look, feel and promise of a great product or service.

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