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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Do You Make These Mistakes With Your Customers?

There are so many different ways to get to your customers:

  • Adverts
  • Blogs 
  • Brochures
  • Business Cards
  • Catalogues
  • Direct mail campaigns
  • Email campaigns
  • Presentations
  • Press releases
  • Radio
  • Seminars
  • Television
  • Trade shows
  • Web sites
  • White papers
  • Yellow pages

Every single way needs words to persuade your customer to purchase from you. Preferably now!

The best copywriters can create the most sales-effective written words for your business.

Many business owners and marketeting people write their own copy. And a lot of it is extremely well written.

And Very BORING!!

Copy is not just important.

No copy? Nobody buys.

If your copy don't work you're pouring your money down the nearest drain (blocked, or not).

I'm often asked to look at letters written by business owners or marketers. People who've attended great courses on copywriting and know in their gut that words sell. 

And I always find one, and usually more, of the following mistakes:

1) no headline - you're not hooking your prospect to read further
2) no offer - if you've nothing to offer your prospect why should they read further?
3) no idea - of their market, or the benefits it wants. Why would they be interested in general stuff. What's in it for them?
4) no strategy - a letter, a brochure is almost never part of a marketing strategy and so you get a mishmash of approaches

Now get your strategy right and you'll easily work out who your advert, your brochure, your business card and your blog and web site are for.  And, even better,  how they can combine to support one another.

For example:

  • is your blog address on your business card?
  • Does business card offer a white paper?
  • Does your white paper offer a case study through the web site, or maybe another resource?
  • Does your web site provide a link to your latest seminars?
  • Do the presentation handouts in your seminars offer a list of resources that are available to customers?

Do you see where I'm headed with this?

Finding an offer and crafting an interesting and relevant headline is easier when your strategy is written down and not whirling around inside someone's head!

And yes I am also putting off the point when I need to finish off my article for "What's New in Marketing."

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