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Monday, January 29, 2007

2000 Bloggers - The Original Site

I posted about this at the weekend and then realised that the site I'd attributed it to wasn't the originator.

The original site for 2000 bloggers is Tino Buntic's blog

What's more you can add yourself to the list, provided it's not got beyond 2000 bloggers yet but making a comment on his 2000 bloggers post.

UPDATE: 28/06/2007 - Following all the hysteria about Nofollow with links just be aware that despite having been a hoot this is actually not going to help your site gain popularity. In fact with the number of outbound links it's going to drain away your page rank.


Hotel @nyware said...

Jim, thanks for the juice! 2000 bloggers now has 2000 Books. Your recomendations are great, Can you send me a comment on your top one: Hope it's Ogilvy on Advertising


Jim Symcox said...

Hi Ed,

I love David Ogilvy's writing it's to the point and he knows exactly what he's talking about.

In a similar vein I'd recommend a gentleman who I've recently blogged about - Elmer Wheeler and his "Tested Sentences That Sell". He certainly knows his stuff too, and like Ogilvy is based on research and testing.

The downside is that copywriters know he's the real McCoy so are eager to get his book, and consequently they're not cheap.

I'm still going to put him into my Amazon recommendations, when I've a spare 5 minutes though.

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