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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Do You Know This Secret To Great Copywriting?

Remember WhenSomeone asked me what the copywriting process is ...

So I'm letting the secret of good copy out of the bag.

These are the vital parts that make up good copy.

  1. Familiarise the copywriter with everything you've produced so far: brochures, business cards, web sites, video, adverts, yellow pages you name it
  2. Agree the aims for the copy that's being written. Possibly you might want to collect the names and email addresses of everyone who lands on your site. Or maybe you want them to buy something, such as a report or perhaps to buy hosting. Maybe even buy something!
  3. Agree which keywords you believe people would use to locate your site
  4. Agree the subject and the main keyword(s) for each page that you want copy written for. It's usually best to produce a simple diagram agreeing how the pages might link together.
  5. The copywriter goes away and writes the copy, with the occasional call to check a fact or to update on progress
  6. Get the initial version of the copy (by this time it's not uncommon for copy to have gone through several drafts)
  7. Go through the copy and ask questions. Your friendly copywriter answers them
  8. The copywriter then goes away and amends the copy if required
  9. You add the copy to your web site

That's it...

Well, actually no not quite.

Because you need to tinker with it to make it perform to its optimum. That is pull in sales or leads.

That means tracking how changing different bits of the site changes response. The most effective way to do this is to use method called the A/B split. The A/B split sends browsers to one or other of two pages that are almost identical and the only change is the bit of copy you're testing.

So as you see there's a bit to it. On the positive side it does mean your copy performs better in achieving its objectives.


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